You know that I'm new to the photo game. I've never had to prepare for a photo shoot, especially not one that included changes of clothes. Until now.
The morning of the shoot, tensions were running high in our household. Terse remarks were the order of the day. As my fiance and I were both trying to figure out what we were going to wear, I asked, "How does this look?" indicating a dress and patterned stockings combination.
"I can't believe you're asking me for fashion advice. Call Jessica [you remember the Fabulous Jessica, my hairstylist who is an expert on everything]. Jesus!" he said.
"Leave Him out of this." I snapped.
Since this is a verite blog, I should mention that I invoked the name of God, myself, at many moments during the prep. For example, I moaned "Oh my God" when I put on my dress. Thanks to a solid month of holiday cheer and getting ready for the new decade, the dress was a little more snug than was ideal. I had suspected that everything was going to be a little tight, so my strategy was to put off the inevitable until the morning of the shoot.
The downside of this strategy was that I did have a mini- "What am I going to wear?" meltdown.
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